Minggu, 29 Desember 2013



By: ZaKyr Davis

School can be fun,
School can be boring,
School bring friends,
School bring enemies,
School can bring rules,
But do you break them.
School brings bullies,

School brings work,
School brings cheating,
School you learn a new thing or two,
School you try your best,
School you never give up the test,
School have teachers you might like or hate,
School where you meet people new and old.
But education is most important choice of all.
Don't you agree?

 Sumber : http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/school-133/

Students Life

© Rhea .Nitin. Muthane
Students life is full of fun
work and play.
their day begins with a prayer
And, ends with play.

They go to school with a heavy bag on their back,
And water bottles in their hand.
They sit in the class and toil all day,
And learn about millipedes that coil all day.

In school they make many friends,
And learn many trends.
They even learn values
of love and life.

They study all day
And are bright like the sunray
They can even swim
Like the fish on sea-bay.

Studies develop brainpower,
Sports develop willpower.
They can do both
Without any pain!

They use pens,
They use papers.
They can draw many things
And make many colorful rings.

But when march month comes,
They study all day
They work for appreciation
And sacrifice lot of recreation.

East or west
Students life is the best,
they can start their day with a prayer
And end with lots of play!

Read more at http://www.bestteenpoems.com/poem/students-life#OdvaitgceOHJJllF.99

Students Life

© Rhea .Nitin. Muthane
Students life is full of fun
work and play.
their day begins with a prayer
And, ends with play.

They go to school with a heavy bag on their back,
And water bottles in their hand.
They sit in the class and toil all day,
And learn about millipedes that coil all day.

In school they make many friends,
And learn many trends.
They even learn values
of love and life.

They study all day
And are bright like the sunray
They can even swim
Like the fish on sea-bay.

Studies develop brainpower,
Sports develop willpower.
They can do both
Without any pain!

They use pens,
They use papers.
They can draw many things
And make many colorful rings.

But when march month comes,
They study all day
They work for appreciation
And sacrifice lot of recreation.

East or west
Students life is the best,
they can start their day with a prayer
And end with lots of play!

Read more at http://www.bestteenpoems.com/poem/students-life#OdvaitgceOHJJllF.99

Students Life

© Rhea .Nitin. Muthane
Students life is full of fun
work and play.
their day begins with a prayer
And, ends with play.

They go to school with a heavy bag on their back,
And water bottles in their hand.
They sit in the class and toil all day,
And learn about millipedes that coil all day.

In school they make many friends,
And learn many trends.
They even learn values
of love and life.

They study all day
And are bright like the sunray
They can even swim
Like the fish on sea-bay.

Studies develop brainpower,
Sports develop willpower.
They can do both
Without any pain!

They use pens,
They use papers.
They can draw many things
And make many colorful rings.

But when march month comes,
They study all day
They work for appreciation
And sacrifice lot of recreation.

East or west
Students life is the best,
they can start their day with a prayer
And end with lots of play!

Read more at http://www.bestteenpoems.com/poem/students-life#OdvaitgceOHJJllF.99

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