Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Talking about cause and effect

Talking about cause and effect

Cause and effectcause and effect

When we talk about an effect resulting from a certain cause, we use expressions such as: because, since, as, owing to, due to...


  • The police arrested him because he broke into a bank.
  • The police arrested him since he broke into a bank.
  • She can't read the letter as she is illiterate.
  • He can't run fast for he is too fat.
  • Owing to his intelligence, he managed to solve the problem.
  • Due to the bad weather, they didn't go for a picnic.

Other ways to express cause and effect:

You can also express cause and effect as follows:
  • The cause of …is…
  • …is caused by / is due to …
  • Thanks to ...


The cause of
global warming is pollution.
Global warming is caused by
is due to

Thanks to
his hard work , he passed the exam

Is there a difference between due to and owing to?

Owing to and due to are used interchangeably by native speakers although some state that there is a difference.
a. Due to:
If you can use caused by then you can also use due to:

Noun Clause

Definisi dan Contoh Kalimat Noun Clause

Noun cluase adalah sebuah kalimat yang yang bergantung pada kalimat yang lain. Noun clauses tidak dapat berdiri sendiri karena dia belum memiliki makna yang lengkap atau biasa dikatakan dependent clause. Ada beberapa macam kata yang biasa dipakai pada noun clauses seperti when, why, whom, where, how, what, whose, dan which.

Fungsi dan Contoh Noun Clause

1.    Noun clause sebagai subject kalimat (subject of a sentence)
       Contoh kalimat:

       What you said doesn’t convince me at all.
       How he becomes so rich makes people curious.
       What the salesman has said is untrue.
       That the world is round is a fact.

2.    Noun clause sebagai object verba transitif (object of a transitive verb)
       Contoh kalimat:

       I know what you mean.
       I don’t understand what he is talking about.
       Please tell me what happened.
       He said that his son would study in Australia.

3.    Noun clause sebagai object preposisi (object of a preposition)
       Contoh kalimat:

       Please listen to what your teacher is saying.
       Be careful of what you’re doing.