Jumat, 02 Mei 2014


Direct and Indirect Speech, yang juga kita kenal dengan istilah lain yaitu Reported Speech. Direct Speect adalah kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara dan jika ditulis kalimat tersebut akan diberi tanda kutip. Sedangkan Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang kita laporkan kepada orang lain secara tidak langsung dan tanpa diberi koma.
Reporting verb: Tono says,
Reported words ”I’m very good at English” Tense yang harus kita perhatikan dalam pola ini yaitu:
Direct Speech:
Simple Present Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Simple Past Tense
Simple Future Tense
Future Continouos Tense
Indirect Speech:Simple Past Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Future Tense/Conditional
Past Future Continuous Tense (Conditional Continuous)
Kalau reported speech berhubungan dengan kebenaran umum atau fakta yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan, present indefinite atau simple present dalam reported speech tidak diubah ke dalam bentuk lampau yang sesuai, melainkan tetap persis sebagaimana adanya,
Contoh :
He said, “The sun rises in the east” → He said that the sun rises in the east.
Direct  :                                               Indirect :
Now                                        →        Then
Today                                      →        That day
Tonight                                    →        That night
This week                                →        That week
Yesterday                                →        The day before
The day before yesterday       →        Two days before
Last night                                →        The night before
Last week/year                        →        The previous week/year
A year ago                               →        A year before/The previous year
Three years ago                       →        Three years before
Tomorrow                               →        The next day/The following day
The day after tomorrow          →        In two day’s time/The following day
Next week/year                       →        The following week/year
On Sunday                              →        On Sunday
Here                                        →        There
This book                                →        The book
This                                         →        That
These                                       →        Those
Over there                               →        Over there
Can      →        Could
May     →        Might
Might  →        Might
Must    →        Would have to (kegiatan yang akan datang)/had to (keharusan yang biasa)
The man said, “I must mend the wall next week”
The man said that he would have to mend the wall the following week.
Pria itu mengatakan bahwa dia harus memperbaiki dinding minggu berikutnya.
The girl said, ” I must wash my hands before eating”
The girl said that she had to wash her hands before eating.
Gadis itu berkata bahwa dia harus mencuci tangannya sebelum makan.
Direct and Indirect Speech ada 3 macam:
1. Statement (Pernyataan) yang menggunakan “that”
He said, “we will go to Singapore tomorrow”
He said that they would go to Singapore the next day.
Bob said, ” I’m a university student”
Bob said that he was a university student.

2. Command (Perintah) menambahkan kata “to” sebagai penghubung kalimat melaporkan dengan yang dilaporkan. “not to” dalam perintah negatif.

He told me, “wait for me !”
He told me to wait for him.
She told me, “don’t cheat anymore !”
She told me not to cheat anymore.

3. Question (Pertanyaan) jika kalimat dari jenis “yes or no question”, maka bentuk laporannya menggunakan if atau whether.

Ina asked me, “Do you really love me?”
Ina asked me if/whether I really loved her.
Mixed type:
Anton asked me, “what’s happening to you ? You look so pale”
Anton asked me what was happening to me as I looked so pale.
Catatan: Past Tense kadang-kadang tidak berubah dalam percakapan.

1.      D : She says to her friend, “ I have been reading “
I : She says to her friend that he has been reading
2.      D : He will say, “ The girl wasn’t ugly “
I : He will tell them that the girl wasn’t ugly
3.      D : Reza said, “ I’m very sleepy “
I : Reza said that he was very sleepy
4.      D : He has told you, “ I am writing “
I : He has told you that he is writing
5.      D : Mother said to her son, “ study hard “
I : Mothe advised her son to study hard
6.      D : My friend said to me, “ I don’t like football “
I : My friend said to me that he didn’t like football
7.      D : She said, “ I didn’t go to campus
I : She said that she hadn’t gone to campus this morning
8.      D : Rikza says, “ I have seen that movies “
I : Rikza says that she has seen that movies
9.      D : Mother asked her, “ Don’t go there alone “
I : Mother asked her not to go there alone
10.  D : Father asked robi, “ Don’t smoke too much “
I : Father asked robi not to smoke too much

Sumber : http://triicecsfabregas.blogspot.com

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Talking about cause and effect

Talking about cause and effect

Cause and effectcause and effect

When we talk about an effect resulting from a certain cause, we use expressions such as: because, since, as, owing to, due to...


  • The police arrested him because he broke into a bank.
  • The police arrested him since he broke into a bank.
  • She can't read the letter as she is illiterate.
  • He can't run fast for he is too fat.
  • Owing to his intelligence, he managed to solve the problem.
  • Due to the bad weather, they didn't go for a picnic.

Other ways to express cause and effect:

You can also express cause and effect as follows:
  • The cause of …is…
  • …is caused by / is due to …
  • Thanks to ...


The cause of
global warming is pollution.
Global warming is caused by
is due to

Thanks to
his hard work , he passed the exam

Is there a difference between due to and owing to?

Owing to and due to are used interchangeably by native speakers although some state that there is a difference.
a. Due to:
If you can use caused by then you can also use due to:

Noun Clause

Definisi dan Contoh Kalimat Noun Clause

Noun cluase adalah sebuah kalimat yang yang bergantung pada kalimat yang lain. Noun clauses tidak dapat berdiri sendiri karena dia belum memiliki makna yang lengkap atau biasa dikatakan dependent clause. Ada beberapa macam kata yang biasa dipakai pada noun clauses seperti when, why, whom, where, how, what, whose, dan which.

Fungsi dan Contoh Noun Clause

1.    Noun clause sebagai subject kalimat (subject of a sentence)
       Contoh kalimat:

       What you said doesn’t convince me at all.
       How he becomes so rich makes people curious.
       What the salesman has said is untrue.
       That the world is round is a fact.

2.    Noun clause sebagai object verba transitif (object of a transitive verb)
       Contoh kalimat:

       I know what you mean.
       I don’t understand what he is talking about.
       Please tell me what happened.
       He said that his son would study in Australia.

3.    Noun clause sebagai object preposisi (object of a preposition)
       Contoh kalimat:

       Please listen to what your teacher is saying.
       Be careful of what you’re doing.

Jumat, 14 Maret 2014


PT Green Planet Indonesia
A national company located in West Jakarta, with the business of organic fertilizer agricultural / plantation and labor environment in mining and oil and gas industry, requires an experienced workforce and want to achieve:

Finance & Accounting (FA)
Jakarta Raya

• Education S1 Accounting.
• Women
• Finance: Fresh Graduate to 2 years experience
• Accounting experience Min.
2 years
• Able to operate Microsoft Office with good
• Able to work independently and hardworking
• Ability to work accurately, diligent, workmanlike and under pressure

Send CV / Resume and your recent photos to:

PO BOX 6349 JKBKJ 11530

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Expression of Embarrassment

Expression of Embarrassment
Expressing embarrassment is expressing feeling of being worries and ashamed. Expressing embarrassment is used to show that someone is embarrassed.
There are some expressions that can be used in expressing embarrassment, they are: 
  • How embarrassing
  • What an embarrassment!
  •  I must say that it’s an embarrassment.
  • That’s a real embarrassment.
  • What a shame.
  • It’s my embarrassment to ….
  • I was so ashamed
  • It really makes me ashamed.
  •  Tell me it never happened.
  • I was so embarrassed.
  • tell me it did not happen.
  • I am embarrassed
  • I feel ashamed
  • Shame on me
  • I don't feel comfortable
  • I feel awkward
  • It’s my embarrassment to

Minggu, 02 Februari 2014


Conditional Sentence (=Kalimat pengandaian) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau mungkin tidak terjadi seperti yang diharapkan. Kalimat pengandaian terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu man clause (induk kalimat) dan if clause (anak kalimat). Dalam if clause terkandung syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar keadaan seperti terkandung dalam main clause dapat terwujud. Oleh karena itu, conditional sentences disebut juga kalimat bersyarat. Conditional Sentences atau kalimat pengandaian terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu real conditional (nyata) dan unreal/ contrary to fact (tidak nyata).
Conditional sentences pada umumnya memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
a. digunakannya kata if dalam anak kalimat (subordinate clause). Karena clause ini diawali oleh if maka disebut if clause.
b. digunakannya modal auxiliary, seperti will, can, may, must, would, could, might, etc. pada pokok kalimat (main clause).
Ada beberapa tipe Conditional Sentence, yaitu:
  1. Type I: Future Conditional
  2. Type II: Present Conditional
3. Type III: Past Conditional
1. Type I: Future Conditional
Kalimat ini mengungkapkan kejadian yang diharapkan akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang dan memiliki kemungkinan untuk terjadi. (probable condition)
Pola kalimat:
If + S + Verb (present), S + future tense
subjek + future tense, if + subjek + future tense

Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

English test (vocabulary)

1. I'm .....  of, although I'm not a winner
  a.calm    c.unfriendly
  b.proud  d.sad

2. I ...... my dad who was in Singapore
  a.lonely               c.angry
  b.embarrassed  d.homesick

3. What do you feel when you see a ghost?
  a.nervous           c.Frightened
  b.embarrassed  d.sad